Friday, June 11, 2010

Football, the team sport that fought apartheid alongside the people of South Africa will receive its reward tonight

Yes, I know I am making a very frank statement with the title of this post. But it's a historical statement of fact. Whilst Cricket & Rugby Union undoubtedly had some supporters & players who symphatised with the struggle against apartheid, football was, is & will remain the grassroot sport of people of South Africa & in fact the entire continent.

Therefore, tonight, Soccer, the football code that fought apartheid alongside the people of South Africa all the way to the end, will receive its well deserved reward.

In their great book "More than just a Game", Chuck Corr & Marvin Close have closely examined the influence of football during the struggle against apartheid.

Therefore, let's hope the fans of other footballing codes who at times ignorantly mock Football, take a moment or two during the World Cup to appreciate the true place of "The World Game" in the lives the ordinary people of the world across the globe. It is simply asthonishing>

As the legendary Liverpool Manager Bill Shankly said (paraphrasing) "some people wonder why football is a matter of life & death! They are wrong! Football is much more important than that!"

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